Knight Shift Mafia Season Closer Video Shoot

October 26th marks the first annual KSM meet/video shoot


Here is the info from the group's organizer Charles LarrickKsm and 0-60 have joined forces to host our first meet together. Come and enjoy cool cars and be in our first ksm video as well as enjoy some food and drinks from 0-60 energy cafe. We will also have free giveaways that everyone can enter as long as your present at 6pm. After at 7pm we will be relocating for some nighttime footage for our ksm video in a parking garage as we are knightshift. If you got some dope ass face masks with or without LEDs in them please bring for video.

Special shout out to Chris Brown for agreeing to shoot our first video. He will also be taking donations so if you got some extra cash it would greatly be appreciated.

Special shout out to GetDecked for helping provide some ksm decorative decks for our giveaway aswell.

Chris Daniels the owner of 0-60 will also be giving away some 0-60 gear.

Team Insane will have a Shirt and Sunglasses giveaway.

Parking at the parking garage is 50 cents an hour.

We would love to see you all come hang with the ksm crew so we hope to see you there!

Respect the location by please not revving or doing any burnouts! Please also pick up your own trash! 

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